Wednesday 13 June 2012


It's been a while. Here are some updates about my life:

  • I joined Camp NaNo. I'm behind on it. There's so much work that I have to do on my story. My idea for my story keeps getting better, and stronger, but I still have lots of work to do on it.
  • I plan on signing up for an online writing class. This way I can get tips and advice on how to make my story better, and hopefully my writing will improve over the next while.
  • I got promoted at work, and I am now a Meat/Deli manager. The pay is average, and I'm not really enjoying it. This just makes me want to make my dream become even more true.
  • I keep searching Universities on my computer. Maybe I should just apply, and see if I get accepted. That, too, would help my dream become true.
  • I keep thinking about starting a family with my man. I would love to have a child, and be a young mom. It would be fun for my boyfriend, and me. We still have lots to think about, though. 
 Well, that's all for me. Time to start using this blog more often, too. (I love how I keep saying that.)

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Well, don't you look smashing.

I decided to re-open this blog--again. And I gave it a brand new look. It's all dark, mysterious, and full of ZOMBIE HANDS THAT WILL GET YOU. Totally joking, but maybe one day? Just maybe. I also decided to enter a contest for an ARC copy of Endlessly, which isn't out till July, so I'm hoping for the best. I will post what I said on her blog, here as well.

If I were in Kiersten White's PARANORMALCY series, I'd be a mermaid, like Lish, because she was majestic, her swear words were always 'bleeped' out, and, in the end, she had a best friend like Evie. (Because Evie is such a fun character, and also because she's awesome.)

I'm hoping I did good, and that I get a copy. It would be my first ARC ever! And I would cherish it forever.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Monday 5 December 2011


I finally found the, Staff of Zombies, and I owe all my thanks to my boyfriend for helping me. Techincally I owe thanks to the Skyrim Guide that explains where everything is. Now I can have zombies, and they can help me, till they get killed. Pretty excited!

Saturday 3 December 2011

3 days off; nothing to show for it.

I just had three days off work. Working in the retail business is hard, so I'm very thankful for having three days off, all in a row. But I really didn't do anything exciting. All I did was read my book, The Scorpio Races, which keeps getting more exciting. I played my iPod games. Those are just plain addicting. I also played some Elder Scrolls V. Skyrim. Which, by the way, is also exciting and addicting. I love my character. I made her so smart. AND I SUCK AT KILLING THOSE DRAGONS. But I enjoy the adventure part of it.

I also did lots on the internet, including re-opening this blog back up. I missed it. And now I'm pretty much dreading going back to work. It shouldn't be too bad. I get days off. But my hours have been cut back some bad. But it's okay. More time to be lazy at home and see the boyfriend. Which also means I get a Friday off and we're going out! To eat, dance and drink. I'm hopeful it'll be a good time. I really, really am.

Oh, and another thing in Skyrim, is that the boyfriend found the "Staff of Zombies". So he can make zombies and have them follow and help him (despite them not surviving for very long), but it still makes me uber-jealous! Zombies are my thing, not his. Yes, yes, I am this jealous of it. He just laughs at me now and brags about it. Hmpf. I will find it in my own game--eventually.

And that's all. Time to do some more reading and relaxing. Happy December!

Friday 2 December 2011

Team Zombies!

I just realized there's a book called, Zombies Vs. Unicorns. I must, must have it!

Hello, December!

It's clearly been a while since I last posted. Tsk, tsk.

Since the last time I posted, which was in August, I have done tons and and been through a lot. I keep reading books. So many books. That I love. I gave NaNoWriMo a chance. It didn't go well, because the boyfriend & I were having tons of fights. Everything has been sorted out and we're fine. Doing better than before, that's for sure. Work is busy, busy, busy. Because it's Christmas time and everyone loves to do last minute Christmas shopping--like my boyfriend!

Welcome to December! My favorite month. For two reasons, wait, maybe four reasons. One, my birthday is 23 days away. Two, Christmas is 23 days away. (It really doesn't suck, you guys! Honestly. I have to celebrate two Christmas' because the boyfriend celebrates it on the 24th of December) Three, my dad is home on January 3rd for two weeks. And, finally, four, we're that much closer to the New Year and hopefully I'm living with my boyfriend, and going to University.

Yes, I have lots to look forward too. And it's all be very exciting!

Happy December, everyone!